Gonzo Finishing Kick Training Runs

By Rick Morris

Training to improve your finishing kick isn’t easy. Your finishing kick workouts need to include high intensity running during the final phases of your normal training runs when you are already fatigued. Are you ready to take your finishing kick workouts to the next level? Here are some gonzo finishing kick training runs that take intensity and difficulty to new heights.

5K Finisher

  • Description: Run 5 x 1000 meter repeats with the first 800 meters at 5K pace and the final 200 meters at sprint pace. After your final 1000 meter repeat finish this gonzo workout  with 400 meters at mile pace.
  • Pace: Run the first 800 meters of each 1000 meter repeat at 5K race pace. Run the final 200 meters of each 1000 meter repeat at sprint pace. Run the final 400 meters at mile pace.
  • Recovery: Rest for 2 minutes between each 1000 meter repeat. Take no recovery between the final 1000 meter repeat and the finishing 400 meters at mile pace.

5K Fast Finish Tempo Run

  • Description: Run 6 miles or 10K. Run the first 4.5 miles or 7K at tempo pace, the next 1 mile or 2K at 5K pace and the final half mile or 800 meters at sprint pace.
  • Pace: The first 4.5 miles at tempo pace, the following 1 mile at 5K pace and the final half mile at sprint pace.
  • Recovery: None

10K Race Simulator

  • Description: Run 2 x 5K repeats. Run each 5K repeat at 10K pace. Speed up to sprint pace for the final 800 meters of each repeat.
  • Pace: 5K pace; speeding up to sprint pace for the final 800 meters of each 5K repeat.
  • Recovery: Rest for 4 minutes between the two repeats.

10K Fartlek with Fast Finish

  • Description: Run 6.2 miles or 10K. During the first 6 miles alternate between 1 mile at tempo pace and one half mile at 10K pace. Finish this fartlek run with the final .2 miles at sprint pace.
  • Recovery: None

Progressive Marathon Long Run

  • Description: Run 22 miles. Run the first 10 miles at easy endurance pace, the next 10 miles at goal marathon pace, the following 1 mile at 10K pace and the final mile at 5K pace. Finish this workout by speeding up to sprint pace for 800 meters.
  • Pace: First 10 miles at easy pace, second 10 miles at goal marathon pace, next 1 mile at 10K pace and the final mile at 5K pace. Finish with 800 meters at sprint pace.
  • Recovery: None

If you like these, check out our 10K finishing kick workouts.