10K Goal Pace Progressive Workouts

An important training guideline is the rule of specificity. Simply stated, this is a rule that says you should train as specifically as possible for your goal event. If you are training to run a 10K in 40 minutes you should do at least part of your training at that goal pace. Over my many years of coaching I have developed a training system that draws upon the knowledge I have gained from workout with and studying other great coaches. I call this system the Goal-Pro™ Running Training System. This is a system of progressively more goal specific workouts that draw upon your goal pace and your increasing level of fitness. These 10K goal pace progressive workouts are specifically designed for your 10K race.

These workouts begin with repeats of moderate distance and moderate recovery times. As you progress the training the repeats become longer with less recovery time. At the end if this series of workouts you will be peaked to run a 10K at your pace. After completing your goal race you should back off on your training for about 2 weeks to recover from this difficult and intense training before beginning a new training cycle with an even more advanced goal.

10K Goal Pace Progressive Workouts

These goal pace workouts are highly intense. You should do these workouts one time per week. Make sure you are well recovered before performing these workouts and schedule an easy day after each workout. Be sure to warm up before these workouts.

Week 1 – Run 6 x 800 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 2 – Run 8 x 800 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 3 – Run 10 x 800 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 4 – Run 12 x 800 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 5 – Run 12 x 800 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 1 minute.
Week 6 – Run 6 x 1600 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 7 – Run 6 x 1600 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 1 minute.
Week 8 – Run 3 x 3200 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 3 minutes.
Week 9 – Run 3 x 3200 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 2 minutes.
Week 10 – Run 2 x 5000 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 5 minutes. Run the last 100 meters of each repeat at full pace.
Week 11 – Run 2 x 5000 meter repeats at your goal 10K pace. Recover between each repeat for 3 minutes. Run the last 200 meters of each repeat at full pace.
Week 12 – Race 5000 meters at goal 10K pace.